
اكاديمية ادفانسد

منذ عام 1975 م
ونحن من اكبر الشركات الرائدة حول العالم في مجال التدريب والتعليم وذلك من خلال مراكزنا التعليمية المنتشرة بفروعنا حول العالم بالعديد من الدول ومن خلال شركائنا ومراكز التدريب التي نحن احد الشركاء بها ومن خلال وكلائنا وتحالفاتنا الاستراتيجية

عن شركة ادفانسد ايجيبت ( بالشرق الاوسط )

Allvegwal Basic Net languages  - Elsie Sharp Net  - Fox Pro  - Aldlvy  - Alkopoul 
Albraiorm  -Almat Lab  - Al active X  - The dot Net Frame work - Html 
D html - Asp  - Aspnt  - Ado  - Adonet  -Triohk  - Java  -Java script  -Php 

We managed to excellence and individually for all our competitors in producing the best professional and specialized programs in the world


The company was founded in 1999 in Tripoli and then to Cairo office of the computer programming and software, In 2004 , it turned to a software company , then to an institution for the software industry in 2007 , since the establishing of the company , It intended to the application of Engineering  information basics , in the production of computer software and followers of the latest methods in training to reach the best investment in computer in the workplace

Company Activities:

- Production and marketing of various types of software , it  is divided into two types,    production software and programs on demand
The maintenance and extension of networks
Maintenance and devices assembly
Maintenance contracts with companies and institutions
Surveillance systems

Sections of the company:

Department of management , Marketing and Public Relations
Section of study , production and software development
Section of test
Technical Support Section
Maintenance Section


The application of stores contains on the following screens: 

- The material card screen , it is containing on the specifications of the full cost ,  price , other   measurements, and contains special screens of alternative materials 
- The introduction of the bill screen 
- Screen out Bonds 
- Screen of Sales invoice 
- Screen of invoice by the name of the customer 
- Screen of purchasing invoice 
- Screen of prices offers 
- Screen of purchasing returns bill 
- Screen of sales returns bill 
- Screen of searching in the store

Screen of materials movement

- Screen of compilation of more composite materials and dismantling of the rule: For example, a computer composed of a set of spare, we have to deal with it as one unit and one that we compile materials from the warehouse being deported a way as to ensure conformity of the warehouse, and the dismantling of its segments as well 
- Screen of the store inventory processing , according to reconcile with the actual inventory of the warehouse inventory system and making the necessary adjustments according to different standards 
Managed Accounts 

The account management department contains on the following screens : 

- Screen of accounts tree and assets 

- Screen of capture and report the bill 

- Screen of bill payment and its report

- Screen of expenses recording and its report 

- Screen of Account management (for deletion, amendment and addition) 

- Screen of The bill of entry 

- Screen of count ledger 

- Screen of checks by collection 

- Screen of future checks 

- Screen of matching fund 


It contains on the following hypothetical major reports: 

- Report of the bill of entry 

- Report of the bill directing 

- Report of the sales invoice 

- Report of the price 

- Report of the procurement bill 

- Report of the sales bill discards 

- Report of the purchases bill discards 

* The accounting-related reports such as 

- Report of society is revealed 

- Report of the balance sheet 

- Report ledger 

- Reports of accounts summarizes Summaries of , classified as the account type and its level   

Statistical reports 
In addition to the following statistics reports: 

- Report of Inventory revealed 

- Report of revealing the end of the period 

- Report of revealing receivables 

screens of system Management

We hope this knowledge of the existence of virtual screens following: 

- Screen of public Options and the main settings 

- Screen of enterprise data 

- Screens OF users (screen of entering a user name and a new screen to delete a user name and password screen to modify user login screen) 

- Screen of a specialized book dedicated to screen commercial correspondence, and official books
- Screen of customer lists 

- Screen of Notebook 

- Screen of The introduction of logos used for materials 

- Screen of Following-up the users 

- Screen of analysis of the financial accounts (level diagram of the calculation) 

- Screen of Limiting the authorities to users 

- Screen of Identify and screen change existing database, and it is this screen using the same system for more than one institution in the same interface 

- Screen of data retrieval from backup 

The program Advantages : 
The program characterized by the following specifications: 

- Easy to use and flexible , so as to be easily modified as needed and easy 
- Arabic Interface for using and involved in Windows environment 
- Equipped to support the areas of tax , general sales tax and also the other private sectors 

- Supports multi-user application and work on the LAN 

Free technical support , continuing without interruption and all available means 

Free update for the subsequent releases: 

- Provide a beta version of the application to download directly from the Web site of the internet 
- Provide updated versions of the continued application of the free download from the Internet, would not hurt the stored data on the old system where only the advantages of modernization and interfaces, reports and posts 

- Provide assistance through the Internet and through the attached help files with the application, where you explain the mechanism of implementation in style, and are constantly updated files provide assistance and modern versions of them on the site to download free of charge

Minimum requirements of the program to a computer on which it is running 

* Minimum system requirements , are the same minimum requirements of MS Access 2000 that did not contain the computer 

To use Access 2000, you need to: 

  * Personal computer (PC) with a Pentium 75 MHz processor or higher 

  * Operating system Microsoft Windows 95 or later or package Service Pack 3 for Release 40 of the operating system Microsoft Windows NT Workstation or later 

  * For Windows 95 or: Windows 98 

 16 megabytes of random access memory (RAM) operating system, in addition to 8 MB for Access 

  * For Pack Service 3 for Release 40 of Windows NT Workstation or later: 

32 megabytes of random access memory (RAM) operating system, in addition to 8 MB of random access memory (RAM) for Access 

   * Typical installation: 161 MB available space on the hard drive 

  * CD-ROM drive 

  * Screen-resolution VGA or higher, preferably Super VGA 

  * Mouse or compatible system of indexing 

The elements or additional services require using certain advantages: 

  * The multimedia computer , Requires the operation of audio and other multimedia effects 

Restrictions and negative limitations : 
- Working within an environment in Visual Basic For Applications MS Access2000 must therefore be installed before the application MSAccess2000 

Applications and additions under development : 

- The application of statistical analysis and financial specialist 
- Assistance files of how to use the system, that are based on  a piecemeal basis for all divisions and the modus operandi of each function and how to use its' screens in an effective and smooth manner, ways to deal with critical situations that may face the user, and contains a portion specifically for the Jordanian sales tax law and how to deal with the records and accounts Institutions subject to tax and not controlled, thus providing the user a reference drawing all necessary in this regard 
- Provision of the beta version for download from the Internet directly 
Business applications in the field of software and consulting expertise in information technology:

The company has a partnership with the international Microsoft company
The business applications Specialized at all stages of building regulations of the planning and implementation of systems such as databases and regulations adopted on the World Wide Web (Internet)
The production of business Interested in software applications with an impact and value of high quality in all areas, such as 

Islamic financial systems and regulations Properties (real estate) and trade regulations (Shopper) and propaganda systems , in addition to business applications and provide technical advisory services in information technology for customers

There are also applications to the business of what position to production and software development in the area of data, especially working with Windows operating systems 

There are several areas where business applications such as: 

Database programs and global wide area networks (Internet)
Analysis and planning of commercial value to be derived from the customer
Design and programming of databases 

To deal with all forms of data

Production of summaries and reports
production of software solutions
Production of network Solutions
The production of wide-area network and global business 


Business applications also have extensive experience in working under difficult circumstances and challenges 

Group has business applications at the highest level of scientific and technical, that are necessary for customer service software with a distinctive high efficiency to help customers access to the highest level of excellence

You are now here because you seriously considering the development, design or update your site on the Internet  (Internet) 

As Consultants , we are specialized in the design and development of Web sites and database applications, ensure you optimize our presence on the Internet 

We dealt innovative ways to design your target site, not only to meet all your needs and goals of the site, but also by our additional innovative for the details that would ensure the maximum utilization of all available opportunities to you on the Internet 

Our roads methodology and global standards of development not only ensure high quality and highest levels of performance, but also they were investigating the implementation of your site in time and planned costs 

That our strong background to manage the site, enables you to take full control of your publication on the Internet, along with other possibilities at a very economical 

Service-based marketing sites of all sites that we are developing to ensure you start of the best for your presence on the Internet 

The projects of the great challenges we have are to confirm that our efficiency needed to reach the desired objectives 

Not to risk the prospects of success - Contact your partner that is of confidence to discuss the details of your next to the development of Web sites, click here 

To make the best use of your site 
Web sites marketing services 
Is anyone other than your nighbours visit your site on the Internet (the Internet)? 
The development of sites on the Internet (the Internet) is not enough to make the most of them The presence of a small number of visitors on your site means that the site not working 

There are millions of sites on the internet and the number is growing every day It is very difficult to imagine that just your customers or potential targets of you to be able to find your site among the millions of other sites 
Service marketing sites ensures for companies to procure computers from the size and targeted visits to your site 

There are two levels of service marketing sites have EBM, which serves all the requirements for a strong presence on the web site 

 What can you get through a marketing service sites for EBM ?
1 To increase awareness of the name of your products / services on the Internet, through the development of your site in the level of advanced among other locations

2 Communicate with e-business, which will guide your company to further expand in the market, as well as, 
To enter into new international markets

3 The promotion of your efforts in the public relations, because we help you to communicate with groups that are qualified For Your Events

4 Concerned to attract visitors to you 


There are a rate estimated 90% of visitors to the site of any origin, is from the search engines 

Register your site in the evidence available on the internet and put the keys to the distinctive words and phrases in search engines Meta tags, keywords and to obtain at the highest level between the sites of other search engines 
These steps are done through an analysis of competitors and the use of sophisticated means to the network

Basic service marketing site ensure you the best representation of your site in terms of words / sentences selected for search engines and in terms of disciplines of your enterprises

Advanced ?

Meeting the special needs of specialized sites 

Some sites have special requirements of visitors, such as: 
 Visitors from specific geographic areas

Our customers Can be advised to specific areas , for example ,some one may want to intensify their visits For example, Client wants more emphasis on Egypt over the Middle East, Europe may prefer another example
Visitors in a specific events / occasions
Visitors interested in specific sections on the site 

Promotion and advertising on the Internet (Internet) 
We can offer plans specifically designed to promote on the Internet to meet the specific needs and requirements We can also design advertising campaigns very efficient to meet the specific needs in the context of specific budgets for this purpose 

Marketing sites report?

Will be reported monthly / quarterly 

This report will include the following information:

- Number of visitors to the site / percentage increase in visits during a specified period 
- Specialized types of evidence which comes from visitors 
- The place of the site in the search engines 

For more details on marketing of our services to Web sites, click here 
I get a strong presence on the Internet (Internet) 
In addition to a complete model of e-business site

• penetrated the markets of a possible new economic costs too 
• Grow the volume of global markets to your products and expanded the area of your business abroad at a lower cost than one business trip 

 Strong presence on the Internet - at Very economical cost?

The development of the Internet sites (Internet) for the companies : 

In the application of e-business solution service for EBM, you can have a strong presence on the Internet global quality standards, encourage and facilitate the work you do 

Is a reflection of your network to your customers on the quality of your company and provide your products and services 

The existence of a strong site of your business on the internet allows you to access to different international markets to display your products and services at low cost unprecedented before 

In the application of e-business solution service for EBM you're talking the same language with your customer potential in other target markets 

The customer expected that your presence on the internet is a global standard of quality, which encourages and facilitates them to deal with you through 

The process of access to different world markets was limited only to the companies and global giant, but with the application of e-business solution service company for EBM will provide immediate area of your business throughout the world, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year  

Web sites

E-business model meets the private company EBM global standard of quality World level of quality means that the site is based on systems, not only the area to display products

The site that are based on systems , explain to your customer what the detail and, more importantly, it shows what characterized you of your competitors That the quality of the site easier for your client to deal with you directly and distance – it is a very important and vital concept to efforts to export 

Our strong background systems to manage the site, allows you to take full control of your publication on the Internet, along with other possibilities at a very economical cost

The globalization of your site:

Through our partners, you can localize the language of your choice, as our model of our specific models is generalized to be multilingual 

Web sites marketing:

Marketing service creates Web sites for the Egyptian company for computers ensures for you a strong presence in the world of the Internet The location of the site on search engines - Registration on evidence of the Internet allows you to a high rate of visits to your site 

The solve of e-business will allow you the strong existence on the Internet with a very economical cost 

Your application to resolve our specific e-business generate you opportunities from all over the world, it will also encourage customers to deal with you ease dealing on distance, through the site 

, Strategic planning of institutions

 advanced (AHG)for research and consulting is specialized in the development of business strategies and investment trends in institutions, especially in the industrial ones, through the provision of assistance to new investors or institutions As it designed and proposed  the ambitious vision of large institutions and  companies according to the need of them to access to the directions of each company  

Based on what  will be identified in the vision of the company, we will identify the message and objectives clearely ,thus the implementation of the scheme becomes a clear vision that serves  companies and new institutions , those in need of rehabilitation or restructuring

It is important for such advisory institution that make such important strategic schemes,to have professional efficiency and we are proud of those advantages We,  ADVANCED  (AHG),  have a deep knowledge of the culture and needs of the region that fit with the traditions , customs and prevailing humanitarian needs that the New  companies and institutions that suffer from lack of activity and vitality, are often need 

We therefore call on companies and institutions that are looking for development or looking for it to design strategies Visit us or contact us for the purpose of definition to what we can offer them through a case study was benefiting greatly

Structure and regulations of the institutions

At the end of  ADVANCED  (AHG) to develop the cornerstone of strategic planning, as indicated in the above paragraph, as in the tall building after laying the foundation ,we will move step by step with those institutions and new businesses that are looking for increasing activity and vitality through rehabilitation or restructuring , For the purpose of building the organizational structure in order to achieve the objectives of the company's vision and mission at the medium and long term 

  ADVANCED  (AHG) can complete construction by identifying the second generation of administrative and technical tasks for the construction of a clear strategy for companies and institutions through the identification of jobs that serve the prepared organizational structure and making the policies related to financial, technical, administrative aspect or otherThus we can identify responsibilities of various departments and prepare the regulations which will be used by various sectors to complete the overall tasks and objectives with fully coordinated with the outlined in the strategic planning of the vision, mission, objectives and implementation of the scheme 

Depending on the nature of institutions, organizations and companies that need these services,  ADVANCED  (AHG) could elaborate a set of work tasks with strategic planning to fit with the work and evolutes these companies by using vital and effective manner taking into consideration the factors of time and cost to suit with them 

Please contact  ADVANCED  (AHG) to watch cases similar to your organization and how to develop it through restructuring , rehabilitation, building of strategic plans , organizational structure and regulations with the effective systems to them

Industrial investment opportunities that fit with the need of investors and the market needs

The ideal of Research and Consultancy (Hgej Holding  ADVANCED  (AHG)) can prepare studied investment opportunities for industrial projects of small and medium-sized put of large investment or that projects which produce basic industrial materials, where they are to examine the strategic aspects of projects such as The availability of raw materials in the region and providing market outlets for the production ;They also study if the consumption is near to the production site and the availability of  specialized technical

Information on the markets and some technical and economic aspects are also providing for these projects to help the investor reach decision-making phase that makes him seeks to more studies and detail to reach the stage of investment decision 

studying and providing those opportunities Are often  based on the orientations of donor loans or involved investment institutions regardless of the fact that these donors are foreigner  or own the technical aspects or controlling the markets or if they are general investment institutions

Market and feasibility studies of projects, products and services 

The Holding group of Hgej for Consulting and Research ( ADVANCED  (AHG)), prepare a study for projects and market products or services generally based on the methods of research and advanced study in this field by using information technology and information bank available to the Gulf Organization for Industrial Consulting or that the information available to the various departments of statistics in the departments of the regionThe group provides a full analysis of the data on the subject and makes quantitative analysis or qualitatively or both, depending on the nature of the study ,the information and the results of which required access

One tactics of the two thousandth supplement market research information and realistic, is the field research using questionnaires based on the latest statistical methods and programs used globally in this area for the purpose of analysis or as one or both as through the study

At the request of the investor , Holding  ADVANCED  (AHG) will develop studies , the design and preparation of a feasibility study of integrated projects, including research and technical indicators to find economic and financial analysis of the project Where Holding  ADVANCED   ADVANCED  (AHG) to prepare feasibility studies of dozens of projects have been implemented many of those projects in a very successful way in the region, in Europe and Southeast Asia

The contents of the feasibility study

Feasibility study is divided into three parts:

Part I: market study

Part II: Technical Study

Part III: evaluation of economic and financial study

Part I: market study

The study of the market and according to the statistical analysis of the available data indicate where the marketing program for ten years of the project as well as imports and the gap in demand from the project as well as products export expected to clear over the life of the project from its products as follows:

Analysis assumptions in the study:

Product specifications available in the market
Determining consumer society
Available Data on consumer society
Analysis of data on consumer society
Estimate the size of a consumer society to the coming ten years
Consumption estimated for the next ten years
Energy production estimate
Estimating the gap in demand
Estimating the share of the project of the gap
Marketing session

Part II: Technical Study

In this study, there is a consideration that the production processes in accordance with the industrially advanced techniques, the study contains:

Uses the product
Product specifications
Description of production processes
Quality control requirements
Machinery and equipment project
Environmental requirements
Production capacities
Raw materials for the project
Raw materials availability
Technical and administrative staff for the project

Civil Engineering:

The main production buildings
Administrative buildings
Outline the distribution of the machines
The program blueprint of the project

Expansion in the future:

Increasing the volume of production
Improving the quality of products

Part III: evaluation of economic and financial study
It contains:
Estimate total investment:
Fixed investment
Capital operation
Estimate the cost of annual production:
The cost of production firm
Variable cost of production
Sales and estimated annual profit
Plane of expected production and marketing
Calculate the costs and sales of ten years
Cash flows for ten years
Calculating profits and losses of ten years
Test the sensitivity of the project in accordance with:
The increased cost of raw materials by 10%
Increase in the cost of the machines by 10%
Lower energy marketing to 70%
Lower energy marketing to 50%
The financing of the project
Economic Assessment of the project includes:
Assess the internal rate of return
Equivalent point estimate
Assessment of the value added
Assess the recovery period
Estimate the rate of return on investment
Supplements detailed cost (14 Supplement)

Planning the financing of projects and sources of funding

Holding  ADVANCED  (AHG) specialized in the preparation of studies planning FINANCE MODELS funding for projects based on the importance of such projects and the type of company that will establish and owners of the shares of the company, the way management , the nature of production and marketing in the future Holding  ADVANCED  (AHG) has succeeded in introducing proposal of many sources of funding from various government or private companies (domestic or European) or banks, as well as the successful holding  ADVANCED  (AHG) to submit proposals and programs of government departments concerned the development of industries , encourage investors to establish small , medium enterprises , to propose ways to promote development, , franchising financing schemes and the preparation of project proposals
It can therefore be of Holding  ADVANCED  (AHG) to propose  many of the sources of funding for such projects is the preparation of their studies (depending on the nature of the project ,investor and the project site), where funding could be provided from one or more of the following sources :
Organizations, services and government institutions interested in developing industries
European and US companies ready to transfer technology and equipment used in production
Governmental organizations and foreign banks interested in supporting exports from their countries
Companies and local banks
Local people interested in diversifying their investments and the development of their sources of income  
Overseeing the implementation of industrial projects 
According to Holding  ADVANCED  (AHG) allocate in the integrated industrial development and to provide the to investors the related important services of the project to implement it successfully and to stand with the investor in a corollary on implementation to reassure everyone the possibility of easy implementation of the schemes considered and processed studies of the projects, the Holding  ADVANCED  (AHG) can be submitted to oversee the implementation and application of data and studies provided information on the ground is consistent with the investment scheme prepared for the project, which has already supervised before on many of the projects implemented in the UAE ,The United States , the Middle East and Europe 

This service will include all proposals and plans that will be applied and supervision of the implementation of the civil engineering work , set up , operation of machinery , equipment productivity , production schemes , adherence to specifications , maintenance, operation , preparation of the distribution of administrative , production staff of the project during the implementation of the project , potential markets , how to access to , choice of raw materials , assistance for operation and production will be selected as one or more of the services listed above depending on the nature of the agreement will be signed between , Holding  ADVANCED  (AHG) and the investor

Technical and administrative training

Preparation of training programs is one of the distinguished services provided by the exemplary research and consulting Holding  ADVANCED  (AHG) and in particular to provide investors in new industries, which are based on Holding  ADVANCED  (AHG) studies in the areas Concerning the following leaders :
Investors and lead managers for the purpose of successful investment
Technical and production staff in projects for the purpose of training and adherence to production specifications and maintenance work
Industrial administrative staff
Constant supervision of the industrial projects
For the purpose of providing the highest degree of accuracy and confidence of investors in his success in the future and after a successful pilot operation Van Holding  ADVANCED (AHG)  Group of Consulting and economic researches can at the request of the investor to provide the service of the continuous oversight of the operations Production management of the project, through counseling and advice in a timely manner to resolve the development of production constraints and dilemmas faced by the project in any of the productive and administrative divisions, as well as for the development and expansion of production and provide alternatives to raw materials and other development matters

Research of technical, machinery and raw materials

One of the most important technical services provided by the Holding  ADVANCED  (AHG) Group for Consulting and economic research Holding  ADVANCED  (AHG) is the scientific research and market research on how to use the techniques , machinery and raw materials in the region, particularly the identification of what is the best techniques, which can be Intervention in the region so as to provide the best possible service for both companies equipped for such goods and services or to companies that will be used as well as market data , the foundations of the process , the competitiveness of European and American companies wishing to explore the realities of the use of goods or technology in the region and identify companies that have an important and competition in this region

Major research provided by Holding  ADVANCED  (AHG) and had a direct impact on the development of techniques and means of production to factories in the region, but not limited to: 

Special research on the use of STABILIZERS AND LUBRICANTS clips on the use of windows and doors made of PVC and adapted to use in the Gulf region, which had a significant impact in the establishment and development of this industry in the region

Ways to develop the manufacturing process of progress LINEAR ALKYL BENZENE "LAB" so that the manufacture of this strategic article may be manufactured by inexpensive operations progress

The importance of IT to the process of producing extrusion dual CO-EXTRUSION panels to produce and use similar specifications to the wood paneling TWIN SCREW EXTRUDERS in erroneous PVC extrusion products with waste PVC in the region 

The importance of using FOAM PVC SHEETS

Production and use of glucose produced by Altabiuka by the progress fermentation process

Information Technology Division that is specific with  Holding Group  ADVANCED  (AHG)for Consulting and economic Research , is the principal resource for engineers for the planning of future projects and the preparation of studies and research technical, logistical and economic , it is for its containing on a large amount of information, data and statistics in Various fields of engineering, industrial and other, and could be reference to the beneficiaries as well

Information Technology Division provides the most important planning studies of the general trends of investments in the region and ways to harness the available data for industrial planning and investment, in addition to providing technical training in the use of information and classification and its compliance with the region

It can develop the reality of work and institutions, departments and companies through the work studies, the use of systems to analyze the structure of institutions, the modus operandi, regulations and tracks used in the industry, companies and institutions to reach more efficient in those institutions, solving Obstacles and problems, or to provide the proper climate for continued development This is usually by focusing on the use of several technical tools such as cruise plans, study time tables, matrices, network plans, performance measures , evaluation systems and studies in general

Above referred systems analysis usually aimed at achieving one or more of the following goals:

To identify signs and reference
Continued development
To reach higher efficiency
To improve the goals and strategies
To optimize the use of resources
To assess the systems and structures in place
Discussion with the staff of existing regulations
Control systems at all levels to increase the efficiency
The development of solutions to the problems
Planning and discussion of the application of solutions with the staff
Recording and analysis of cruise plans, records, reports, guide and use job descriptions & Contrib
Prepare and recommend proposals for the revision of working methods , routes , alternative , redefine work requirements and solutions to problems
Assist staff in identifying the potential to improve regulations and the routes planned work
Leadership the quality systems and obtain quality certificates
Assessment and benchmarking of the tracks, processes and results
Economic assessment and technical analysis, financial , marketing of existing projects and its diagnostic studies

Many of the projects face many production or marketing, administrative dilemmas that hint the success of the Group Holding  ADVANCED  (AHG)for Consulting and economic Research , which provides its services in this domain, either through the preparation of diagnostic studies to find weaknesses points in those companies or evaluation studies of existing projects and propose plans for their advancement Where previously  ADVANCED  (AHG) accomplished much in this area for the purpose of revitalizing companies and institutions to increase the market value of their shares, as well as in the case of transmission between quota owners and partners of a project or when the sale, and at the request of an integrated assessment studies of institutions, companies , industrial and commercial complexes

The diagnostic study or assessment in this area takes one form or more of the following:

Artistic performance evaluation
Assessment of production processes and ways of development
Assess the technical specifications of products , raw materials and find alternatives more appropriate
To the expansion of the production quantity and quality
PAS marketing
A study of market products
Evaluation and development of economic and financial side of projects
A general assessment of the true value of projects and realistic at the time of the assessment study
Evaluation and financial analysis
Recommendation of an integrated scheme of how to increase the market value of the shares of joint stock companies