ادارة عمليات الأعمال
عند تنفيذ إدارة عمليات
الأعمال الخاصة بك، يمكنك أن تطمئن إلى أنك قمت بتحديد فريق العمل والاستشاريين
الأكثر قدرة وذوي الخبرة من المتخصصين نحن
نقدم لك منتجات متخصصة حيث لدينا الاستشاريين والمهندسين المتخصصين في توفير حلول
تصنيع منتجات للشركات في جميع أنحاء العالم لأكثر من 17 عاما نقدم لك جميع المزايا
التي تتوقعها
لتحقيق مزايا تنافسية
لمؤسستك او شركتك بحيث يكون لك القدرة على
تحديد وتحليل وتحسين، وقياس، ومراقبة العمليات الخاصة بك نقوم بــتوظف التقنيات
والأنظمة لمساعدة مؤسستك بستمرار بالإشراف على العمليات وزيادة الكفاءة كما كنت مع
زيادة حجم اعمالك
والهدف الرئيسي من
تصنيع منتجات تفصيلية متخصصة بك هو تمكين هذه الزيادة في الكفاءة مع الحفاظ على اعلي
مستوي من الكفاءة
توفير الوقت وخفض
التكاليف: من خلال توحيد منطق الأعمال
وهذه العملية دائما توفر الوقت والمال، وإزالة الإجراءات غير ذات قيمة والمضافة
والمكررة - مما يؤدي إلى زيادة الكفاءة
وخفض التكاليف
تحسينات خدمة العملاء
الامتثال التنظيمي:
يدعو الامتثال لعمليات محددة والقواعد المناسبة
من أجل ضمان ان تحقق مؤسستك
هذه الفوائد قمنا بتطوير وصقل برامجنا وانظمتنا خلال
سنوات عديدة، من خلال تنفيذ العديد من المشاريع
When you engage
ADVANCED IT Consulting for your Business
Process Management implementation, you can rest assured that you have selected
the most capable and experienced team of BPM specialists for the job Our
consultants and engineers have been providing BPM solutions to companies all
over the world for more than 17
years Their experience will ensure that your project is properly planned,
executed flawlessly, and provides you with all the benefits you expect
Your organization is
most likely beginning to realize your business processes give you competitive
advantages To be effective today, you must be able to define, analyze, improve,
measure, and control your processes An ADVANCED
IT Business Process Management solution employs techniques and systems to
help your organization continuously oversee processes and increase efficiency
as you reproduce something of value
The main goal of BPM
is to enable this increase in efficiency while maintaining effectiveness and
complying with regulations If your processes are aligned with the
organization's strategic direction, then there’s greater potential to achieve
objectives and increase efficiency The three most significant benefits of BPM,
in our opinion, are as follows:
Time savings and cost
reductions: formulating rules forces enterprises to think through and
standardize business logic Ultimately, this process always saves time and
money, removing non-value added and duplicate procedures - and automating
others, resulting in increased efficiency and decreased costs
Customer service
improvements: focusing on what produces value is usually in the customers'
Regulatory compliance:
compliance calls for defined processes and appropriate rules Unless both are
present and consistent, the audit trail is broken and the organization is
exposed to risk
In order to ensure
your organization achieves these benefits we have developed and refined over
many, many years, an implementation methodology that ensures your projects
success This methodology enables ADVANCED
IT to confidently lead you from the early stages of the high level
requirements, all the way through the detailed business requirements study,
design, development, testing, and deployment stages Ensuring that you, your
project, and your employees benefit from our experience and knowledge - and
your organization realizes all the benefits of BPM
A point that makes
ADVANCED IT stand above the rest is our
knowledge of, and partnership with, ULTIMUS, the industry’s leading Business Process
Management platform This allows ADVANCED
IT to offer the best possible solution for you Whether you need an
enterprise grade solution that will support high volumes and future needs for
your entire family of companies, or you just want the most cost effective business
process management solution, ADVANCED IT
can determine, architect, and implement the right BPM solution for you
In addition, because
of ADVANCED IT global strategic alliance
with ULTIMUS, we are able to offer the best possible solutions at a competitive
architectures that most competitors cannot offer